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Real results. Proven winners.

Not Guilty Verdict: First Degree Intentional Homicide

State of Wisconsin v. Erik Sackett, a nationally-televised two week jury trial resulting in a total acquittal of our client

Not Guilty Verdict: Reckless Homicide

State of Wisconsin v. Lori Phillips, a nationally televised trial on Court TV in which our client was found not guilty of all charges

Not Guilty Verdict: First Degree Intentional Homicide

State of Wisconsin v. Mitrel Anderson, a high-profile self-defense trial in which Attorney Zachar's client was found not guilty of all charges

Not Guilty Verdict: First Degree Sexual Assault of a Child

Our client was acquitted of multiple counts carrying up to life imprisonment after successfully presenting a defense that he had falsely confessed

Not Guilty Verdict: Sexual Assault of a Child

Our client was acquitted of all counts of child sexual assault after the allegations were contested at trial

Not Guilty Verdict: Sexual Assault of an Intoxicated Person

Following a weeklong trial in La Crosse our client was found not guilty of felony charges alleging sexual assault of a person too impaired to consent

Not Guilty Verdict: First Degree Sexual Assault with 25-Year Mandatory Minimum

Following a highly-publicized trial questioning the integrity of the State's DNA evidence, our client was found not guilty of all charges

Not Guilty Verdict: Sexual Assault and Child Enticement

A licensed professional was found not guilty of multiple felony charges after a weeklong trial questioned the integrity of the allegations

Not Guilty Verdict: Child Enticement

Our client was accused of multiple felonies including child enticement and was found not guilty of all counts

Not Guilty Verdict: Attempted Homicide

Following a weeklong jury trial our client, a mother accused of tring to kill her husband, was acquitted of multiple felony counts, including Attempted First Degree Intentional Homicide

Not Guilty Verdict: Homicide by Drug Delivery

Following a weeklong jury trial, our client was found not guilty of homicide by drug delivery, the first acquittal under this statute in Wisconsin

Not Guilty Verdict: Child Abuse

Our client was acquitted of all counts after it was alleged that she had abused a child

Not Guilty Verdict: Felony OWI

In one of our many acquittals for Operating While Intoxicated our client was found not guilty of a charge carrying mandatory prison even after he was found passed out behind the wheel of a running vehicle

Not Guilty Verdict: Possession of Narcotics with Intent to Distribute

Our client was arrested with tens of thousands of dollars worth of narcotics and was found not guilty of all charges

Not Guilty Verdict: Homicide by Intoxicated Driver

Our client was accused of killing another person while driving under the influence, but was acquitted by a jury of his peers

Suppression Win: Drugs thrown out and case dismissed

In one of our many suppression wins, a judge threw out an estimated $200,000 of cocaine following an illegal traffic stop

Suppression Win: Child Pornography thrown out and case dismissed

Following a complex challenge to a faulty search warrant, a judge threw out evidence of child pornography that otherwise carried mandatory time in prison and all charges were dismissed

Habeas Win: Revocation Dismissed and Client Released

Our client successfully sued the Department of Corrections in a Habeas Corpus Action and instead of going to prison for years all charges were dismissed and he walked free

Client Pardoned

After we prepared a thorough application, our client was pardoned of serious felony convictions, allowing him to gun hunt and travel internationally again

Certiorari Win: Revocation Reversed

In one of his several certiorari wins, Attorney Zachar convinced a circuit court judge to overturn the decision of an administrative law judge revoking a client and sending him to prison for several years

Revocation Win

In one of many cases, our attorneys represented a client accused of new serious violent crimes at revocation, proving that the allegations were weak and saving the client decades in prison
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